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Never Judge

The birth is a miracle where innocence begins,
The life one lives corrupts them with vainness.
So strong is its drive that their arrogance begins,
That through this lens their judgment of others begins
I fell prey to this, were all that mattered was I;
My sense of righteousness clouded my sins.
I judged all harshly for sins that I, 
Committed again and again and never did confess.
My ego was fragile though I believed in my confidence,
My loneliness was hid behind individual achievement, 
My foolish actions hid behind a selfish manipulation,
My desires, though hurt others, hid behind my right.
I saw these actions plague many a person,
Yet I believed I was above all those humans.
That the fate suffered was theirs and their alone;
Never in a lifetime to them will I be prone.
Oh what a mistake! What blind folly!
I suffered the consequences of blind cruel actions.
That what I suffered I will never wish upon others,
Though I already have caused such pain to many innocence.
Here is what I have learnt, though a lesson too late,
Don’t let your judgment of others decide your fate.
For the judgment you bestow is the one you will be bestowed,
Then you will realize all that was good is a dream that passed.
Learn to forgive and it will provide peace,
Learn to accept and that will end your loneliness,
Learn to let go for it will clear your thoughts,
Learn to love others and you will love your life.

Published inLife, Spirituality, and Philosphy